SBA Loan Program

If you find that your situation isn’t an exact match for a banking loan program, you may still be able to qualify. Banks are much more willing to make a loan to a qualified business under their SBA program.
Why? Because the Small Business Administration will guarantee up to 85% of the loan amount.

SBA programs are flexible and can be used for many purposes including:
– Business acquisitions / expansion
– Real estate financing
– Working capital lines of credit
– Construction Financing
– Inventory Purchases

Benefits of an SBA loan include:

Flexible repayment terms – up to 25 years

Rates as low as 4.75%

Program Uses Max Loan Amount SBA Guarantee Amount
7(a) Loans Business Acquisition
Real Estate Purchase
Working Capital
$5,000,000 85% for loans less than $150,000
75% for loans greater than $150,000
504 Loans Real Estate Purchase $5Million Plus
SBA CAP Lines Short Term Working Capital
Construction Costs
Seasonal Working Capital Needs
$5,000,000 Same as 7(a) loans
SBA Express Revolving Line of Credit $350,000 50%

Request A Quote

    Have you been in business for more than 2 years?Have you ever filed for Bankruptcy?Do you currently have unpaid federal taxes?Have you ever been convicted of a felony?